3 things that i can’t live without


Why use smartphone

These are the kind of people who have a curiosity to explore. They might have seen every possible option and settings screen on their phone. They’re so eager to root their Android devices, install custom ROMs, and download software updates – which in current times suck because they’re too many – like people wait for an upcoming party. So, snatching a smartphone away from these people is like removing the heart out their body.

My smartphone helps my commute, get Uber, and buy tickets


I still remember that day when I dropped my phone in the Subway while I was heading to catch a bus. If there weren’t a few helpful people who allowed me to use their smartphone, I would have to cancel my trip.

As a lover of technology, I had downloaded the ticket on my phone, and it took around 30 mins for the bus operator to verify that I purchased the ticket. And that too when I was able to recall the seat number while still recovering from the loss that happens an hour ago. That day I realized the importance of my smartphone.

Also, it’s a routine for many people to check traffic and public transit status before leaving their homes and even while they are on the streets. If people are left in a new city with no phone, it’s tough to get from one point to another. Becuase you don’t know anything about the public transit, and you can’t book an Uber also.

When I am hungry, my smartphone is my only rescue

smartphone food

Apps like Zomato, Swiggy, and Faasos have helped me satisfy my belly even at 3 am in the morning. But where do they live? On my phone. I can use my computer, but still, I would need my phone to complete the payment process. Thanks to the added payment authentication by various banks. So, the smartphone can’t be eliminated from the picture if I want something to eat outside my kitchen.

Nowadays, almost all the food delivery apps get tailored for smartphones because of the convenience offered. They can also take advantage of the built-in GPS chip to show delivery places near a person.

I need to talk to special people, daily, for hours

I don’t have much experience in this field; you might have guessed what I am speaking about. But I have friends who can stick to their phone, chatting if not talking, for tens of hours, and maybe a day if I were to overstate.

why use smartphone

So, if you take the smartphone away from such people, you can’t think about the consequences. You’ll be responsible for causing boredom in the lives of two humans.

I can’t stop myself from checking Facebook and Twitter

Social networking has become an inevitable part of our lives. However, if I talk about Facebook, there isn’t much social network left on this platform. Most people use to get their daily dose of news, humor, and probably shock. Facebook also helps people remember birthdays and anniversaries.

facebook likes

One thing that draws my attention is that services like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are quite addictive. They can keep you busy for hours. All you need to do is start scrolling through their feeds. Instagram even lets you see images of people you don’t even know which is a compelling reason to devote your time and energy.

Many people have developed this habit of checking their smartphones for Facebook and Instagram notifications. What’s more is that they constantly have an urge to take their phone out to see if a notification has arrived or not.

Also Read: 10 Reasons Why People Use Facebook?

My smartphone is my work companion

Smartphones can also help us get connected with our offices. It’s quite easy to connect to a company’s VPN network using an Android or iOS device. You might have found yourself checking emails during vacations and get-togethers because you don’t want to disappoint the guy named BOSS.

Even I use various apps to distant myself from my computer. Otherwise, I don’t realize how much time I devote to it every day only to get soured eyes and backaches in return.

I use my phone when I get bored, very often

Smartphones are great entertainers and help you pass the time. Especially, when you’re in the Subway for more than an hour, you can plug in your earphones and watch that episode of Netflix’s Stranger Things you made offline last week but didn’t get the chance to watch. And also during those long flights and train journeys, if you aren’t the novel-type person, you take some movies and TV shows with you.

why use smartphone

Many people aren’t into watching video content, the like to play video games. I can still remember getting lost into Subway Surfers and Angry Birds. I didn’t play Pokemon as I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my job for it.

I am the one who you find alone in selfies

why use smartphone

There is a special breed of people on this planet who are only born to click photos and selfies. And I am not talking about professional photographers here.

These people are quite easy to find, just through the Instagram profiles of your friends, there must be an individual who uploads selfies almost daily with the same pose in every other photo. I can also say such people never miss the chance to appear in every group photo.

My computer is too heavy, and I don’t work out enough that I can carry it around

why use smartphone

Now, this is one significant reason why people can’t live without a smartphone. Apparently, you can’t take your laptop everywhere, not even the MacBook Air. That’s when a smartphone can act as your computer. In fact, many people don’t even buy a full-fledged laptop in favor of a lighter smartphone.


Clothes are an important part in our life because people look first,then listen,clothes can tell us a lot about a person.Clothes have always been important for people. They protect us against cold, frost and rain.

Clothing is functional. They keep us warm, and protect our body from outside sources. Clothing is also seen as important for the presentation purposes they have. They allow us to differentiate what roles a figure has in a society (police, firefighters, etc.). They are also good for appearance and individual expression. Clothing allows us to enhance our attractiveness, and allows us to look a certain way that we want to be seen as (classy, casual, stylish, edgy, laid-back, etc).


, this is a cosmetic device we use to add color or to prettify our faces. We can also use makeup on different parts of our body (such as legs and arms) to enhance or contour. There are hundreds of makeup brands now available in the market, each item having a specific use. Color palettes have been made available to fit specific skin types. In fact, there are also makeup that cater to specific ages.

Makeup experts say that there are varying reasons why people put on makeup. Some of us go for the more natural look, while others want to play with every color of the rainbow. Whatever the reasons may be, there are four general reasons as to why we have come to depend on makeup:

  1. We are able to hide our flaws while enhancing our prettier features. We want to hide the imperfections we’ve accumulated over time and through exposure to the outside world’s harsh elements. We may also have dark circles under the eyes because of stress. Makeup hides these so-called flaws and makes us look fresh. We may even choose to enhance a certain feature to feel good or to let others see our stronger features.
  2. We use makeup for us. We want to feel good and confident either by receiving compliments or simply knowing that we look better. It gives us that extra “oomph” we need, especially on days when we’re particularly feeling unattractive.
  3. We feel like artists painting on a blank canvas with the ability to create something extremely beautiful. Putting on makeup is an art form. I personally feel like Monet when putting on foundation and playing with different color palettes to enhance my eyes. It also gives me that certain excitement because the outcome can differ every single time.
  4. It’s a way for us to express the way we feel. If I want to feel sexy and sultry, I go for the red hues and darker tints. If I want to feel like a dainty princess, I go for pink and the lighter shades. If I simply want to look well put-together, I go for tones that match my skin. I think almost every woman can agree with me on this: makeup is a way to set the mood we’ll have for the rest of the day.

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